Sunday, August 15, 2010

Good-bye Summer

Summer has officially ended for us teachers. The day has finally come! Waking up early has come again, along with snotty noses and high-pitched voices. What I love about my job is every year, I get a new beginning. New kids, new chances, new parents, and new co-workers. A new beginning is truly amazing to me. This year, I want a new beginning in places other than school. I want a new beginning for my body, a new beginning in my marriage, and a new beginning for my attitude. Part of this new beginning is starting this blog. I feel that we are all teachers in some way, whether you are a mom, a big brother or sister, a grandmother or grandfather, or a son or daughter. I feel this blog will allow me to reach out to other "teachers", and help them become better at what they do, inside and out. So, fellow teachers, I ask that you join me on this new beginning! Give me suggestions or just enjoy reading! But always "Teach with Paz"

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